Often found on poorly optimized templates or older websites in need of a refresh.
Regularly a hosting provider or distributor so slow that a page takes 5+ seconds to load.
No updates since '05. You know that feeling and the subsequent thought– is this business still in business?
Painful to look at, a cellphone likely takes photos better than the ancient ones on the page.
Pages that can't be found in a websites navigation or pages that just no longer load—a frustrating experience.
No phone numbers, no call to action, none of the information you might require exists.
Things work, mostly. Many features and aspects of the website are stripped down. You might even come across strictly "mobile" versions.
You'll stay for pages that load within 3-5 seconds. The truth is we want information, and we want it now. Slow load times in this category are the fault of the designer or developer.
You'll find the latest promotional offers, of course, but nothing of real substance, no engaging or interactive content to assist in promoting the promotion.
Yes, we've got pictures, some so large that they take up half the pages load time. Some are scaled up from small dimensions or skewed by incorrect aspect ratios.
I know what I'm looking for is here, I've seen it, but I can't find it. Is it in this menu? Or this one? Where's the search?
We're trying, but our purpose isn't apparent. Are we generating leads or boasting/boring our visitors with too much information about our business?
Not just "mobile friendly," the designer and developer worked to make the mobile version an equal or superior experience.
When a page is quick to load, we don't pay the factor any mind—optimized and efficient distribution of the website to its users.
See's regular updates from new content to promotional materials, ebook publications, video content, and blog posts.
Placed sparingly and with attention to detail, they're crisp, appropriate, and subtly adding to the overall design.
That thing you were looking for; it's right where you'd expect it.
This page works in tandem with a specific business goal and isn't shy about it.